
I'm blessed to have my dad, who'll send me to shuttle bus bus stop every morning w/o fail, I'm blessed to have my dad call me to cheer me up the next day, when the day before, I was rude to him because I was angst over my swollen gum.

I'm blessed to have my mom, who'll make breakfast for me every morning w/o fail, listen to me rant. Im blessed to have my mom who tells me everything is gonna be okay because she will bring me to extract my tooth to end my misery, and pay for my private uni fees if I don't ever do well for exams, even tho I know that means that she will scrimp and save on her part just to spend on me.

I'm blessed to have my sister who will put up with my annoying character and still love me. Quarrels, cold wars and after endless times of me getting her into trouble with mom, she would still offer to help me when I need her. And I'm happy that she has found someone who will dote on her.

I'm blessed to have my grandparents. grandma, who will always be so cute, so loving. and who have brought me up, cooking all those dishes that you can find no where else. and grandpa, who left us, but I'll always remember how you made sure I would always find you after school, and would never starve or say I'm hungry for once.

I'm blessed to have my boyfriend, who with the same stubbornness as me, tries to give in to me most of the time and tries to tolerate my unreasonable character. Because im too much of a boyish person, he tend to make sure that he take up a little of the girlfriend role, so as we avoid quarrels and he never expects too much from me, and even told me that he would rather me not go to a local uni, if that means that I will lose my health in the midst of it. That's my silly boy.

I'm blessed to have my awesome four and girlf. They are the best thing that we happened to me. They were there for me when no one else bothered. They were there to share my joy, they were there when I was down, and knew exactly what to do--just being there w/o being overreacting with words. They were the ones who made me love dance. The ones who I know that no matter what, I won't want to lose then.

Im blessed too, to meet my poly friends. every single one of them, tho im only close to few. being away from my comfort zone but they made it easy for me to enter another world of my own. Jokes and laughter, everyday when i meet mila koonephew and tiangtiang. And fun when i see shenling, janice, jiaxin, gigi, jermine and so many more during dance. Have only met them for less than a year, but I hope to continue fostering the friendship we have.

this is totally random. maybe it's the accident that made me realized how blessed I am to have these people still with me. no one knows what will happen in the near future. Cherish people, Cherish.


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