Last blog post before I fly

Hey guys. Im flying off on Sunday to Burirum (Buriram). Its in Thailand. (and my teacher removed the shopping from bkk T.T) so yea. i will be away for 2 weeks. Coming back on the 20th afternoon. So anything you really cant contact me. because i have no wifi. (teacher askeprolly school to set pw so we have to survive without it T.T) so ill be disappearing for like 2weeks.

I was looking for photos of perfect body to motivate myself to workout and o m g. YURI HAS THE NICEST BODY. SEXY MAX. and sooyoung has the nicest leg evaaaaa. So even tho ive gone on to watching english shows, my wallpapers are still kpop stars. One is my motivation to work out and eat clean (apparently I wont become yuri or sooyoung but ill get thissssssssssssss close) and the other is moi fav jungshin and yonghwa ♥ well yea.

Kpop stats are prolly one of the most gorgeous people on Earth. Now now. Dont come after me and say: THEY ARE PLASTICS. SURGERY. NOT NATURAL BEAUTY. but geez. Calm down. They are idols. If you think of it another way, its part of the whole idol package isnt it? I mean, if your typical girl next door just became an idol, she wont look THAT glamorous overnight right? So whats next? Critism, Jeering, Hates. Then if they are pretty, you dig out their old photo and say they are plastic.

Ugly also say. 
Pretty also say.
what you want la. 

Not everyone is gifted with a good look isnt it. I mean most of us just look like average girls. SOME are blessed to be super hot. Then if they arent, and they worked so hard(kpop stars need to undergo alot of trainings before debut) just to achieve their dream, then doing plastic surgery to make themselves more accepted by the public and media makes it logical. 

No im not supporting plastic surgery. Im just saying tt we shouldnt trash them because of it because they are also responsible to look good as idols. I do believe tt we shouldnt change how we look. (Did a presentation on plastic surgery once) Because of costs, danger and prolly lost of identity. But if you are an idol and ain't tt glamorous or you really wanna boost your confidence because of some trauma. Then prolly need a little fix but dont fix too much. Embrace what your parents gave you right. I mean not movie stars or what then no need look so pretty one right? And I still believe tt people will change and look better when they feel better of themselves. Afterall, confidence makes one glow.

Anyway, thats why i have decided to take up shooting ootd of outfits that i wear, especially those that i like how i coordinated them. No, im not trying to become a fashion blogger. I just want to boost my confidence level.(and im not gonna have knives cutting over me) Because when i hash tag #ootd today, there were fashion bloggers and acct that came to like it! i was so thrilled! -screams like a little girl- So here's the pic!

Top: shopskinned
Bottom: peniwern
Socks: markeddownmarket
Shoes: DrMartens
Clutch: theeditorsmarket
Cardi: thescarletroom

NICE NOT. I LOOK SLIMMER THAN I AM IRL. okay i damn sampat i know. but this is the first ootd shot that ever got more than 50 likes! and its my first photo to have over 50 likes too. sorry la, i not tt popular. heh. AND GEEZ. MY FRIENDS NEED TO MAINTAIN. SO MANY COMMENT WHY I COVER MY FACE. somehow i look really REALLY ugly taking full body shot (there goes my bucket wish of being a model for a blogshop or something for once :( ) so yea. i covered up my face. hahaha. i look better that way what! no? hmm. anyway, its Outfit Of The Day. not Face Of The Day!

So anyway, went out with bestie today. had such a great time talking to her. And dinner plus dessert was great (: had pastamania and gelateria italia. didnt take a photo because i was famished. While at gelateria italia, we were like trying to make our ice cream to half cup so that we can add more marshmallow. HAHAHAH. 

heres our faces for you~

Once a bestie, Always a bestie. Known her for 6 years already. Time really does fly! 6 years and counting of friendship! (with Char and Sinclair too of course <3) i keep thinking tt we dont have alot of time tgt. But woah. 6 years. not bad la. heh

so yea. need to go. was editing the music for my cultural night event. and i see so many clothes tt i like tt im making Jolene like my personal shopper while im away. cant ask my sis because shes so busy. So sorry Jolene. I lubzxc you many many. 

Byebye! rmb away for 2 weeks! anything urgent.. idk how you are going to contact me also. Maybe just PM me or something. ill check it when i have wifi. (Mr Dy promised A DAY of wifi). 



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