1) Read the News

Why: I can't stand how ignorant i am anymore. Whenever people discuss about things on the news, all i know is "oh ya, that happened." but nothing ever comes out after that while my friends blabber on and on. Yesterday, when i was doing my research for OMF pre-trip presentation, it felt... nice to be searching online and reading about things that happen in Singapore. Like, i didn't know what the White Paper stated except tt it estimated that Singapore will have a population of 6.9mil by 2030. I knew there was a protest but i didn't know why. But i went in and read more and it felt so good to learn something. Like... the sense of achievement you know? Idk, but i felt as happy as i was when i see food. (people around me should know that THAT is true happiness). Also, I like it when i use my brain to think. It's been rusty for too long. time to work that brain.
How: I am pretty beat out every weekday after a whole day of FYP and gym on some days. So, im gonna keep all the newspaper from monday to friday and read them on Saturday. A little bit of reading goes a long way. Its not like im trying to memorise the news. But more like, just keep myself updated about things going on in the world. Also, i should prolly stop reading reading nonsensical articles on the way to CGH every morning. Instead, i should use them to read up on the news. Yes. This is how i will execute my plan.
2) Read Books
Why: Too many books that i have bought and havent read. Too many books that i want to buy to read but i know my mom will kill me because i have a huge pile of them that hasn't been touched since i bought them.
How: Busy/Tired/No Time is no longer gonna be an excuse. My friends reads all the time. Catherine reads all the time. Weishi reads all the time. I find joy in reading and love immersing myself in the fictional world, painting an image in my head as i read. Why did i let work strip me of that joy? Besides, i do need to improve my vocabulary. It's embarrassing (and offending) when people point that out. I have no right to be angry/upset though, because its the truth. So yes, im gonna read. Maybe an hour every day before bed? Or even during the 1-hr dinner break i give myself everyday to watch drama.
3) Lose Weight/Maintain Weight when attained ideal weight
Why: Fat la. What else. Okay i correct my sentence because people will start telling how am i not fat. (but you guys dont see what i see so shush) Another reason: I CAN'T FIT INTO MY CLOTHES NICELY ANYMORE AND IM TOO BROKE TO BUY NEW ONES. (write big big give you see. hmph)
How: My secret diet. (Nope, i will not say what it is. Its not really eating little tho. Because i do that to save money instead. HAHAHAH. I will do a post when i DO succeed kay kay kay) Plus workout every possible day. I need to make full use of my membership. Although im not gonna be renewing it when school start (and the workload doubles), i will make it a habit (it was a habit for me, but it says that it only take a few hours to make a bad one. So after 2 weeks of skipping gym, im back to sqare one) and continue to exercise even though i dont have the membership anymore. Run/Swim/Dance. anything.
HAHAHAHA. okay this is the past me okay. i will (try) not be like this!
4) Learn dance routines (not limited to Latin)
Why: Just for the fun of it. Better than just lying on the bed doing nothing.
How: YouTube Tutorials. Maybe lessons if i have extra cash and time.
5) Learn something new
Why: I always complain that i have nothing to offer. And yet, i don't make the effort to learn a new skill. Tsktsk.
How: Since i don't really have the definite "what" in this habit, i guess its just up to me. Maybe for this month it will be language? i was hoping to pick up guitar though. But i guess the lessons fell through. Maybe next year after i finish my studies and have spare time on weekends (OMG GRADUATION IS JUST HAPPENING MONTHS FROM NOW. OMGOMGOMG). I read an article recently and realise theres actually websites that allows you to learn a language entirely for free! I mean, im not trying to be naive here about becoming fluent in a particular language just from a website (language centers will close down), but knowing a few words helps here and there right? Who knows when i will need it? I've tried it once in the past (i deciphered the letters of the Korean characters and can understand a few basic words) so why not again and now?
alright. thats all folks. till next time. (:
x GeeCeeElle x
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