7th Sept: Day 2-Perth City and Fremantle Tour
Since its a Sunday and school doesn't start until tomorrow, we decided to head out for a little tour in Perth. Which is also our first and probably the last shopping day. Woke up and went over to Trinity College's cafeteria for breakfast. They had American breakfast, which is like my ultimate favourite but I didn't want to have meat. So I went over to the cereal bar counter and scooped a bowl for myself. This turned out to be a BIG MISTAKE. I had like sugar rush for the whole morning! Anyway, I wore the 10 dollar trenchcoat that my uncle bought from Korea (yes, because i am vain like that. hiakhiak. that's my "dress up" coat for the entire trip. hahahaha). Mr Gabriel said that I look Korean in it. LOL. I know it is just my coat that is giving off the Korean vibe but Ariel said she keep thinking that I'm Korean too! Muahaha. (okay guys. don't bash me. I know that i still look Thai/Pinoy/Indonesian/Vietnamese.)
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its a really nice angle. but i totally spoiled it. LOL |
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a nice ootd everytime im with le soulmate Lynette |
So we went to Harbourtown factory outlets. We took the bus and the fare was 80cents for students! So cheap. LOL. Then we had free shuttle bus, which is the Central something Transit, or otherwise known as CAT. (i really forgot the name on Day 2. I googled tho. Its called Central Area Transit.) One thing that I found that is really cool was that they take spitting very seriously. If anyone tries to do it, the drives have DNA kits with them (HOW COOL IS THIS?!?!) to identify whose spit does it belong to and fine them. Also they have like metal grills at the driver seat so I'm guessing that they are for protecting the drivers from assault.
Anyway, we finally reached the place but there were no stores open. :( So most of us hanged around, waiting for time to pass. Note that i said most. Well, some of us girls took the map of the place and started strategizing which shop to CONQUER first. (though our plans actually failed and we eventually had this "you shop finish you can move on. we will meet in the next store" so that we won't waste any of the precious 2 hours. ) We even went to GJC to tap on their wifi. However, I only managed to talk to my family for a little while before I lost connection (too many of us trying to tap in at the same time. LOL). Luckily, by then, stores are starting to open for business and so the shopping began~ While my friends were spending non-stop, I didn't really get anything. It was only at Valley Girl that i got this pair of shoes that is of a similar style to the shoes I've been contemplating to get back in S'pore. Guess what guys. Its only 9.95 AUD, which is like only 12 SGD?!?! Also, at the very last 10 min of the shopping spree, Annetta and I decided to fly to JayJays and take one final look while Lynette was purchasing a dress that she decided to make a detour for. At JayJays, I finally got my boyfriend jeans and it was also only for 10 AUD!!! (12 SGD for a boyfriend jeans. Thank goodness i never bought the 49.90 SGD ones from Cotton:On SG. hiakhiak). However, it is rather large for me. I mean, its waist 28". Luckily boyfriend jeans are meant to be baggy anyway. Besides, my humongous calves muscles would have only allowed me to fit into a size 8 pants. So yay for cheap pants (which fyi, is now my worn-to-death pair of jeans. Its so comfy i canawt)
After the shopping spree, we left for Fremantle. Took a train and the platform made me feel like I was gonna take a train to Hogwarts. Hahahahah. (I wish.) We took it all the way from Perth City to Fremantle, which was like the last stop. They really emphasize on priority seating though. In Singapore, there's so many campaigns to encourage people to give up seats for those who need it and of course the almighty STOMP that deters people from the Reserved Seat (SG event recount: I can never forget how Kenneth got judged so badly by 2 female passengers because he placed his bag on the Reserve seat after Gabriel refused to take a seat. He was labelled the bad guy while Gabriel was labelled the good guy and the ladies even urged Tiang to take Gabriel as her boyf. HAHAHAHA. It was hilarious.). In Aussie, they blatantly tell students to stand because they pay the concession price, which is cheaper. (so much win, seriously). Finally arrived at Fremantle and we had our lunch at this really famous fish 'n' chips place called Cicerello that is established since 1903. I found the serving a little too big though. It is impossible to finish the fries and I ended up removing the batter to just dig for the flesh instead. However, the chilli mussels that we had after (a treat from Mr Gabriel. yay thank you!) was so good that it was gone within minutes! Even the fries tasted better with the chilli! Food aside, the view of the place was so nice. It was by the sea and there were lots of seagulls flying here and there. There's so many seagulls here that it's like their nuisance bird. Just like the crows back home. It was so funny seeing them trying to resist the strong wind but eventually succumbing to it and flying towards the entirely opposite direction.
After lunch, we headed to the Fremantle Market. Got most of my friends souvenirs. But i hereby apologize to my peeps because both my budget and time was really limited. So I didn't get alot of stuffs for you guys. TBH, there wasn't much to buy anyway. :x I managed to get my mom a Hand Cream under the recommendation of Avril. As for my dad, I'm gonna get him a perfume at the airport while my sis.... She'll have her shopping spree during her honeymoon. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. (I saw alot of cute baby/toddler things and i was so tempted to get them. But my sissy aint preggy yet and i don't wanna give her pressure. *smirk* hoho. but hey, i ended up buying ALOT of timtams for her. i bought like at least 2 packets of timtam per supermarket we go)
On the way back to the bus stop, we stopped by a bookshop called Elizaberth secondhand bookshop. There's so many books and I swear that I can stay there all day err day (literally). There's this really cute corner that says "Blind date with a Book" (which apparently is a very popular thing floating around in tumblr but i didn't know it prior to this encounter. LOL). They just wrap all the books (shop attendant gets to read the books and pick like 6 books that they find nice and wrap it for this section). They would leave descriptions of it on the wrapping paper so we can choose by our interest. I had my doubt on the motive tho. It's such a good marketing scheme to sell off books that are not popular. However, I eventually felt that these books are really good because the shop attendant was like "Oh that's a really good book" or "Good choice! I placed that one there". Hence, I was tempted to get one. Its too cute to resist. While everyone went for like Literature fiction and sci-fi, bimbotic me just went straight for the Hollywood one. But hey, it had "memory loss" and "puzzle" written on it too. I like these kind of books too. There wasn't any price tag on it so I had to ask for the price. It was a rather thick book so I thought it'll cost more but here's the exact conversation that took place between me and the shop attendant:
Me: "May I know how much does this cost?"
Him: "Oh.. there's no price tag." *starts staring at it intensely*
Me: ???
Him: "I'm gonna use my X-ray eyes and see how to price this book"
Me: "Okay~~~" *inner OS: please please please don't be too pricey*
-After like 3 minutes of intensely staring at the book-
Him: "Okay, 9.90 AUD"
I really hope it is good. But I don't intend to open it until I finished the others at home. I bought it because its so cute. I won't bear to open it. Hohoho. (Indeed, it's on my shelf along with the other unread books. I intend to open it next year on 6th/7th Sept with the significance that one year has passed since this memorable trip :') Meanwhile, I should really start reading the other books on my shelves. I've been stuck on Pride and Prejudice for the longest period of time.)
After that, we rushed to Coles and Target, where I developed my fear for crossing the streets of Aussie thanks to Athan who screamed "CHEWLIN DON'T DIE" when a bus was starting to turn towards my direction while I was crossing it. However, the shops in aussie close really early.. So once again, we rushed back to school to grab dinner. I'm guessing that I ate too little cos I'm feeling kinda hungry rn... Oh well, Time for bed.
Last day of the fun and tomorrow will be the official start of school. I'm so scared. There's three major essays and I'm not good at writing stuffs... I'm having a major headache right now. What if I fail?! Mr Gabriel says that the important thing that makes a piece of writing good is the clarity in conveying the message. But.. I can't. I don't have a good command of English. I don't have critical thinking mind that can think so deeply into issues like my peers. So tell me why I'm here again? However, like what Annetta said on the bus, if everyone supported one another for this trip instead of competing with one another, we will make it through. I'm keeping faith. Alright. Goodnight.
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