okay so here it goes!
Day 1 (6th Sept)- Arrived here at Perth!
Got home and slept only at 2330 last night (5th Sept) because of sissy's wedding food tasting (which on a side note, taste GREAT. TOo bad none of you are going. But not like I'm gonna eat much on tt day anyway. Emceeing all the wayyyyy {turns out that i ate all the dishes on the actual day. Emcee only required for a while and parents were busy entertaining guests instead of accompanying me. so i sat at the VIP table all along with sissy's in-law relatives and drown all my sorrows (keeding) with food}) well. Quickly KO-ed and I woke up at 4 to wash up before leaving for the airport. My parents were up even earlier than me. Speaking of which, I miss them :( I had so strong a temptation to just hug them and not let go just now at the airport. Also, I received quite a few farewell messages from my dearest friends. I miss you guys too :( but i'm not exactly homesick. It's only Day 1 anyway. Heh.
Got to the airport by 0515. checked in and departed. Felt so sad and excited at the same time! Had to wait for our flight so we went to grab some breakfast. I didn't buy anything though. Say what!? Jessica Glutton Goh didn't get breakfast?!?! No, i wanted to. However, smart me forgot to bring SGD with me. Besides, I was still full from ytd's meal. Which happened less than 12 hours ago.
Anyway, so here's something interesting that happened while I was still at the Changi Airport. I was teaching my parents how to take a selfie! Hehe. Here's the evidence:
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Omma and Appa <3 |
It was a 5 hour flight and I slept a little, with my customized playlist ringing in my ear. For the rest of the time, I was watching comedies like "Wipeout" and "2 Broke Girls". Oh, and I finally watched "Lion Men: The Final Showdown" (act yi ke Korean drama only lo). During the 5 hour flight, Athan were like throwing random questions related to airplanes and turbulence to GuoRen. Since he was from aerospace, he could answer all of them. While I'm stuck in between like: huh what happen. ohhhhhh).
Guess what? I found someone who share the same birthday as me! Athan is also born on 24th April! The conversation as to how we realise it was so funny.
*Random conversation that led horoscopes*
Me: "I'm a Taurus"
Athan: "Me too. When's your birthday?"
Me: "April."
Athan: "April when?"
Me: "24th"
Athan: " ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS." *insert mega shocked face*
Turned out that his birthday is on 24th April too! I honestly thought that he was pulling my leg until he showed me his passport. I tried to grab my passport too but I gave up since its in my bag, which i had conveniently tucked under the seat. HE WASN'T KIDDING. Technically, its 23rd April for him. But since he was born in Aussie, the time difference made him a 24th April baby instead. After he proved that he was not kidding, I went into a state of shock for like 5 minutes.
The highlight of the flight, was breakfast. Halfway through the flight, my stomach was growling already. Also, i still remember the scrumptious in-flight breakfast I had when i flew to Vietnam in secondary 3 for dance exchange (ahhhh. i miss MND :( ). I was waiting so impatiently for my breakfast. Athan and I were like praying that there would still be scrambled egg sets left since we were seated all the way at the back. After I got my breakfast, I was grinning like a kid. (food always makes chewlin a happy girl. always getting caught for the cheeky smile i subconsciously do whenever I'm all ready to devour(!!) my food) There was a turbulence during breakfast time tho. Athan's and GuoRen's drinks were spilling everywhere. Mine was safe. heh. Probably because I was seated in the center. Athan was protecting his drinks and kept a lookout at the amount of drink gone while GuoRen just got fed up and drank everything in one go. "Problem solved," he said. LOL. I didn't manage to finish my breakfast set though. Left the best (yogurt) for the last but I was too full to even touch it. My yogurt... Hurhur...
Then the three of us, being very much awake, decided that we will play multi-player games! We started off with some super laggy code game that we were supposed to find the green arrows. The two boys were too engrossed in shooting each other (which the bullets were super slow and the opponent could have ran off before the bullet even reached him LOL) that I ended up winning the game. Switched to Geospot and I swear its just a game between the 2. I have no idea where on the map is which country (Geography student uh, chewlin). I was failing so badly that I need them to explicitly point to me where on Earth (literally. hahah. im so puny) is the place of question. Only then was I able to break the fate of a big fat zero. So while they were going on and on about how close they were (think 100m-300m), I be like "13000 (km) yo~" with the super swag kind of accent. (The two of them were evidently amused at my bimbo-ness) After complaining that I really have no idea how to play the game because i'm just guessing my way through (question ask UK, I put my bullet in South Africa. HAHAHAHAHA), I received geography lessons from Athan. Now I know the locations of the countries! I guess. Well, I remember, Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Africa, Europe and the US (can only remember Australia and Africa now. oops). Not bad eh. However, if you give me a different angle, I'll be stumped. But hey! I learnt something even before I landed! #achievement unlocked.
Landed in Perth safely and once I got connected to the wifi, I started to WA my family and friends to tell them that I'm safe. I still haven't gotten any wifi or prepaid. So I can't call/message them. I'm even typing this blogpost in my itouch (i wrote this on the night of 6th Sept, on my bed in the hostel). I hope I have time to blog when assignment starts tho. I don't wanna forget interesting things that had happened. (which apparently didn't happen. blogging? aint nobody got time for that. not when you are rushing essays and so tired from the full-packed daytime activities)
Anyway, Ms Rebecca came to drive us to the university. I swear the weather was making me so happy the whole day. No humid days~ which used to make me so angsty in Singapore. Damn shiok. We had this additional trailer attached to our small bus for our luggage. Haven't seen that kind of thing in Singapore. When we were leaving for the place, she tried reversing. However, it was too difficult so she decided that she will just mount curb, which caused the bus and all of us to wobble. So all of us went like "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" to which Rebecca replied "IT'S THE ONLY WAY OUT!" hahaha. She's so funny and pretty!
It took us quite a while before we reached the Trinity hostel. I heard that it's newly built. Also, I didn't see high rise buildings everywhere. So it's really different from Singapore. We drove past Swan Lake (which is named because there are swans there!? But they look like mangroves though. Weren't moving. heheheh). Rebecca was like saying that if we fall in love during the trip, we can take a romantic stroll in King's Park. BUT we have to be careful of snatchers. Like I'm gonna have a romantic encounter here. (Aint nobody for time for that) Okay i stroll with myself. hahahahaha.
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Here's le roomie! My face is so swollen. ohgawd. |
Had dinner in the cafeteria (University Hall). So many food. It was served in buffet style. They also had a salad bar! My heaven (which later became not quite. since the veggies were heavily covered in mayo and it became mostly penne and potatoes over time). HAHAHAHA. Took too much food because I was starving. Proven to be a wrong move because i was so stuffed after it. We went out to the nearby Caltex and smart me decided to share a Golden Gaytime (name of the ice cream) with Lynette. It taste really good~ I didn't experience the whole "eating ice cream in winter" feel but close enough. I was going crazy the whole walk back because I'm so happy about the weather and was experiencing really bad sugar rush. It's 2032 and I think the sugar crash is coming. (I think i was lying sitting against the wall but my eyes were drooping down as if they weighed a ton)
PeiXian is still doing work for her dip plus but I'll sleep first. It's so rare for me to sleep early and I predict sleepless nights ahead. Alright. Goodnight!
-End of Day 1-
I didn't realise that i wrote so much for Day 1. Okay, imma go sleep now. Stay tune for Day 2! Wan An.
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