Hello guys! im back after such a long time!! I intended to blog tonight, but then im up at like 8am. Body is getting accustomed to the timing that i set my alarm clock to wake up everyday to study. And im feeling a little uncomfortable now, because i feel like puking even at the thought of food. During the CT, i literally stuffed my face with anything i can get my hands on. But now, i cant even finish the laoban tauhuey for breakfast. I used to eat that and a bread and a cereal bar for breakfast. But it seems all of a sudden that my gastric shrunk to a size that of a mouse. No, im not experiencing food disorders because i still experience cravings and i do still want to eat. But my body just rejects food. It's not that i want to starve to lose weight either. I WANT TO EAT. FOOD IS MY LIFE. STOMACH Y U DO DIS TO ME T.T
QUESTION: Does anyone has a similar problem before? how do you solve it?
im so frustrated with it. Because i intended to go cafe hopping and all this holiday (last official holiday T.T) but if my tummy is gonna be like this.. then aint no way i can go cafe hopping with my friends.... T.T
Anyway, watched 2 episodes of "Miss Korea. I am Mae" on Channel M. The show says she's 18. which is like.. my age. and she's like so pretty and she gets to go on TV and dress nicely and go korea.. and im like here in Singapore, struggling to get papers after papers of certification so that i can slog the rest of my life. Sigh. Its okay, i have survived 10 years of compulsory education and close to 2 years of poly life. I CAN DO THIS.
Now it's "Let Me In" and i feel so guilty for complaining that im not pretty just because i dont freaking look like a VS model or anyone i deem as pretty (which is like... everyone.) . These people were born with imperfections and they have had so many hardship just because of that.. Some were born pretty but accidents happened and they have to live with inferiority! thats so sad :( i shall count my blessings that i still look normal and am perfectly healthy. I feel that Let Me In is a show of hope. As in, its different from those charity ones, but it gives these people hope. Some might think that it is actually promoting plastic surgery, but come on, dont everyone dream of being good-looking? and if their imperfections are already giving them problems in their life, then don't they deserve a second chance? I am not a pro-plastic surgery person, (tho i really do wanna do liposuction and calves muscles removal) but neither am i against it. I see no fault in trying to make yourself perfect. Of course, I dont see a point in doing it if it doesnt give you any problems either. Like thats how i decided i shall not do plastic surgery too. Losing weight doesn't have to come with surgery, i can lose weight exercising isnt it. and my calves muscles, i should embrace the shape of it. Besides, its genetics so there is nothing i can do about it. I got it from my dad. The only thing i can do is to try to stretch it out. Because on top of genetics, i used to be a hyperactive kid. Like ill jump around non-stop. But on the bright side, prolly thats why im so tall, considering that both my parents are pretty short. So when you lose something, you lose something.
Okay but today's point is not Let Me In. Its...

I've been watching MasterChef discontinuously for quite some time now, because i could only catch it if it happens to be on StarWorld. And I only watched 2 seasons, namely Season 3 and 4.
And im so happy because for both of these seasons, my favourite chef won!!!
YAYYYYYY. (pulls part poppers)
I didn't like these two chefs because they are so talented. They are and their food look absolutely stunning(cue Gordon Ramsay's voice) but its because i learnt something from them when i was watching the show. You may ask:
"what can you learn from watching masterchef? how to fry an egg?"
Nope. You dont learn that. I mean, that one you have got to practice. Ive been practcing for years kay. Im moving on to trying to crack eggs with one hand from now on! EH BUT THATS NOT THE POINT. the point is, i learnt far from than just techniques in the kitchen. In fact, i didn't catch a single technique. HAHAHA.but its life lessons that i learnt. So lemme elaborate.
From Season 3, i learnt that when life gives you a lemon, you make lemonade. Well basically it means that you have to overcome with all the obstacles you meet in your life because you are a fighter. I mean, who doesn't know this right. Like "Yea this this this overcomes his disabilities and became a great man. That who who who overcomed her disabilities and became a greatest person of all mankind." I salute them. But i have never seen them working hard. Because when they were working hard, i was on the other side of Earth. And im so sad that i cannot witness such events. Sometimes i wish that i am an angel (okay im too evil to be one) or just a hollow ghost who can travel to all these people, and watch them grow and learn, and i learn from them as well. I like the feeling of seeing people succeed. Especially if they work so hard and they do deserve to succeed in life because they didn't give up. Nick Vujicic was an example. The first time i watched a video of him online, i cried so bad. Because such a man with such great disabilities is telling me, and you and everyone else, dont let obstacles take you down. Because he didn't let his take him down. And if we were to do so, we will never stand up and proudly announce success. I never met him in real life. But i did cry when i watched the online version. But no matter what,
Being there in talks and seeing their working hard process is different. and like i said, i always wished i can go through the process of their struggle with them and i can learn something from them, a show like masterchef actually gave me a chance to do so. And the person who taught me this by showing it to me was
Christine Ha. Winner of Season 3.
In the show, i saw how she battled it out with the rest of the contestants. How many a times she was down in the bottom, and how many a times, she overcame obstacles and came back on top to be a worthy competitor that everyone was afraid of. She won eventually. and i was so happy to see her win! *squeal like a little fan girl* and also because i do think that she deserve to win. I saw (through a television screen) how she broke through all the boulders that were placed in her paths. I've seen how people tried to bring her down by making her deal with a LIVE CRAB. that is the meanest thing you can do to a person okay. She's blind and you give her a live crab. Aside the fact that you want to bring her down, BUT HELLO. EVEN A PERSON WITH PERFECT EYESIGHT COULD GET INJURED AND YOU JUST THROW HER THAT CRABBIE AND YOU LEFT HER IN SUCH A HUGE RISK. but okay, i understand. It is a competition afterall. And if you dont make use of the chance to eliminate your greatest enemy, then i think you are pretty stupid. But of course, Christine didn't let that bring her down and she was awesome as usual ^^ also, another challenge that i remembered was that they had to replicate a dish just based on their taste and sight. Well she couldn't see. So the person assigned to help her will tell her the colour and all and she have to guess the ingredient. AND GUESS WHAT.
So i really think that she deserved to win. like really. And the best part, she was never arrogant throughout the competition! the best and rare thing a person with such huge talent and capabilities can have is humility. People who's eyes are stuck on their head and look down on people. you guys, tsk tsk tsk.
Lesson learnt :
1)Be Humble.
2) Be Sincere
3) Do your best
4) Break through, and you will taste success
and the one that i learnt the most and i will put them to action is:
Dare to dream, dare to try, dare to fall, dare to rise.
Moving on to Season 4..In this Season, i didn't really watch it much until the end. And i didn't really support this contestant until the back. Other than how he always win challenges and present awesome food (well i didnt say that, the judges did but im sure they are awesome), he won the title because he deserved it. and not because of sneaky tricks up his sleeves. and he is...

Luca. Winner of Season 4.
Like Christine, i saw how he broke through his obstacles too. Yes, he won challenges and he tried to set people up to eliminate them. But come on. i mean he won the challenge, and thats the advantage given to him. SO WHY NOT I JUST MAKE FULL USE OF IT ISNT IT. But that doesn't make him a selfish person. It is a competition. I bet anyone will do the same. But its because the way he handled situations and how he always do and say one thing that i sincerely admire and salute.
"Even if i go home today, it wont be because i gave her that butter/garlic. And I don't want to win because i didn't give her the butter/garlic"
This is what he said. Both times, Jessie and Natasha forgot ingredients that were extremely essential to their dishes and they asked Luca for it. When Natasha forgot the garlic, she asked Luca for it. and Luca gave it to her. The judges asked him why did he do it because that could be the thing that sends him off and he's like " I dont think a garlic will send me home. I am going to win this competition because my dish is the best." then another time when Jessie forgot butter, she asked Natasha first, but Natasha refused to give it to her (I was so pissed >:( i liked jessie too!!! but okat Natasha, i understand. hahaha.) and then Luca just threw Jessie a bar of butter. again the judges asked him why did he do that. again he proved that he won't be going home just because he gave the butter to someone else. His principle throughout the show was that he wanted to win because he was worthy of the title and not because he was being selfish to protect his interest and that made the other contestant go home. and there i was, in front of the tv and I was like:
Throughout my poly life, i have seen people who refused to help their friends with work, and refused because they didn't want to "lose". and there are people who only want to get benefits from their friends and go missing when their friends need help. But come on, you call them your friends and you refuse to help them?! what, will it kill you to do so? Besides, in poly, there is no bell curve. Helping them isnt going to affect your grades just because they score better. If you deserved that A, your teacher will give it to you. That's simple. Do you know how frustrating it is to be the one having to deal with all the problems a teenager have to deal with AND STILL HAVE AN INCONSIDERATE FRIENDS WHO REFUSE TO HELP YOU. okay not that im a victim of it kay. but then i just don't like it when i see people do this. Call me a fake saint, but i sincerely live by that principle that:
"If i am going to succeed, it will be because im worthy of it"
People who see me in school can vouch for me on this. Call me naive and silly for helping people and they might not even repay the deed, i just don't want to refuse help to someone when i can apparently help them. But if you take me for granted, of course i wont be so stupid to let you take advantage of me la. or maybe i will. Thats why my friends and family always tell me to toughen up and protect my interest.
But at the end of the day, i will help you if it is within my capability.
Okay, we got too far off from masterchef. But anyway, that was what i learnt from Luca. I was completely brought over with his attitude. Before that i was still partially giving. meaning that sometimes i am still selfish. But now, i learnt that hardwork and capabilities will bring you further than selfishness. Because thats what i saw, when i saw Luca win Masterchef because he truly won the title with hi capabilities and flair for food.
okay! im done with this blog post now. hahaha. since im such a tv fanatic, maybe i should do more show reviews. Of course it will be nothing like "this show is awesome" kind of thing. But rather, ill do once in a while on shows that i feel that there is something to learn from it. Who says TV is all junk? It is just that you must watch beyond the tv and pick up lessons.
okay, now some pictures from my daily life. actually they are on my IG. haha. follow me if you want to kay. @gchewlin. That's the only account that i never lock. Because im a lazy bum and because i want to let people see my pictures, especially since i like taking pictures. Maybe i should buy the vsco cam effects since its on sales right now. YAY TO VSCO on android <3 download it guys! ITS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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