Well anyway, i shall update on what ive been up to since ytd till today. Well, other than running to the toilets and vomiting. I woke up ytd morning and I was perfectly fine. I had breakfast, then i headed out for boxing with Weishi. It is so awesome and fun! (tho the aftermath is terrible. we are dying today. our entire body feel like they are breaking apart) Because we used the coupon from Groupon, of course they aren't that stupid to give us the official coach for boxing. So we got the instructor for Muay Thai. But then, we were really happy we got this instructor. He is so funny!!! At first he was like trying to be really fierce and all. But then he couldn't take it how much a joker weishi and I was and started to laugh and make jokes too. We started with skipping ropes. Bu Shuo Ni Bu Zhi, i used to be in skipping rope CCA/comp in primary school! hohoho. so i was skipping with ease while weishi struggled. it was so funny seeing her skip. because she can't. the instructor tried really hard to teach her how to, but she can't. hahaha. then she give me this stupid excuse that in primary school, she's the cool kid, so she never had to join skipping rope cca or stupid cca. WTS. what kind of excuse was tt. then we needed to do running and sit ups and push ups. After that, it was officially boxing!!! it was so funny! because we had to place our fists next to our cheeks, then weishi do until machiam kpop. so the teacher keep saying that she's so cute. hahaha. and we were taught how to jab and cross, which is two ways to hit. and it was so funny that both of us keep hitting wrongly. and the teacher say i look like a robot. When he say "jab" then only my hand will move. my entire body is isolated and not moving one. hahahaha. But overall, that 1 hour was super duper fun! i might even consider taking that up.. self practice only la. i won't really go for class. i dont want to spar. Its so scary to hit people. haha.
After boxing, we walked around PS, pretending that we live in town and thats why we can wear our sports wear around. Because everyone is so nicely dressed and then there is the two of us. i was already feeling unwell this time, but i didn't thought of it much because i got better after a few hours. After cooling down and changing, i successfully persuaded weishi to go to the threeblindmice flea with me. I only got a statement necklace tho. the clothes just didn't appeal to me T.T i saw the younghungryfree booth and there were clothes that i liked, but then... they were all too big for me T.T i bet all the small sizes are like gone. and i saw alot of bloggers too!! The owner of yhf is soooo pretty and shes so skinny! i saw chloechoo too, and audrey. They are like my favourite bloggers. hehe. after that, we left the place and walked around marina square WHEN WE SAW TIMES OUTLET HAVING SALES!!!! wts the both of us were like "AHHH BOOK SALES" and each of us got 2 books each. though i have a ton of books that i havent read, but i like to keep books, then i can read them when i like it. Im still stuck with Pride and Prejudice. Oh god, the classics are so confusing!!!!! tho i highly recommend Sherlock Holmes. It is UBER AWESOME!!!
after which, we left for home and then i was feeling even more ill. i wanted to just stay home but then i was meeting kerwin. So i left house again to udders at myVillage and had ice cream with waffles. They cost me 7.50. I will remember this... because after reaching home, i vomited the entire 7.50 out into the toilet bowl T.T my money fly...... well anyway, i chatted with kerwin before leaving for home and i cleared up the mosttttttttttttttt confusing event that i have been confused about for the past months. And i seriously.... judge you. you don't know who you are, perhaps only kerwin knows. BUT I JUDGE YOU. tsk.
anyway, i left for home and i felt really terrible. running a fever and the constant burping in preparation for vomiting. Because there were alot of gas and air in my stomach, i couldn't stop burping, which led to vomit. thank goodness i was in the toilet each time i felt like my burp was gonna be turning into a vomit, else i would have vomited in the room because i was like merlion. The vomit was unstoppable. seriously. dont laugh. hahaha. my mom came home, and then she helped me to dry my hair and got me medications, while trying to coax me to sleep. then the final huge major vomit came and i vomited a whole bag full of fluids. I think that fluid was worth a kg or so. Because i lost a kg. hahaha. well, i prolly gained it back alrdy. because mom is making me eat proper meals. According to my aunt, i am like this, could be due to improper eating habits or food poisoning. Since i always have the habit of eating as per i like, so it sorta caused the uncomfortable feeling in my tummy. So people, remember, have your 3 meals okay! in fact have more than 3 meals, dont skip. but remember, don't use snack as official meals. dont be like me T.T reverse peristalsis doesn't feel good T.T
Okay, so after a night's sleep, i was feeling alot better, though i still felt a little groggy. My mom tried to persuade me to not go to dance, but i insisted. Because i wanted to sweat it out, i wanted to detox. But i almost fainted and vomited on the way to dance and back. I guess that because of my uncomfortable tummy, i became prone to car sick. I was feeling so sick after the rides. But after dance i felt better. We were having a routine for our rumba and it is so fun. The both of us can't get it right and there were so many funny moments. Also, there were stunts that i had to do and i was like "omg i cant do this" and teacher Sharon was like "cannot. you must do. Cannot always let Jolene do stunt alone. Now your turn" and then she laughed. hahaha. well, we are still trying to figure it out. i just hope i feel better by tuesday so that i can go to dance. please let me be better. guess that even tmr's outing i will have to be careful over what i eat too... Everybody take care too!
Well this post is really lengthy because i don't have photos. hahaha. but i kinda like it more that i don't have photos in my blog post. hahahah! but okay, in order to make them more interesting, i will try to incorporate pictures. else, please refer to my instagram tab just next to the blog post.--->
Anyway, just to ask, i was thinking of doing a blogpost on Mirae's Choice(such a mind boggling show and a continuation of my "Lessons Behind the Screen", Abortion (inspired by a question Jolene asked me. No, she's not pregnant. She just merely asked me this out of the blue), and Relationship(inspired by a talk with Charmaine, who came down to pass me souvenirs she got from her holiday in Europe and Dubai the moment she touched down <3). Idk where to start seriously. oh well, i guess ill do one of them tmr morning when i wake up. and the others for the rest of the days. OH RIGHT I SHOULD DO A BLOG POST ON 31ST TO CONCLUDE MY 2013. okay, i have 4 blogposts coming up for you guys!! BYE!
p/s: comment if you like to see which blogpost title first or provide me with interesting topics to write about in the future (: Colina's Diaries will not be coming up for a short period of time because i suppose that my blogposts are long enough. i will continue them when school start and i will take it as a form of stress reliever (:

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