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Everyone knows about all the Confession Pages. NP Confessions, SP Confessions, and all. It is really hilarious to see people submitting nonsensical, or maybe truthful, confessions. It used to be my favourite past time reading and laughing. Although i must say that recently it has been too much of sex and love that i don't really bother reading much. I mean, it is called Confession Page: which means i actually expect lots of "Hi, this girl/boy is really cute and i've been in love with you for months" sort of thing? Or maybe some huge major confessions about doing something daring around the school (exclude sex please. i am so disgusted over that. no idea if it is true or not but still) or like just something that is normal like commendations of the kind souls in school.
I saw a confession asking if NP is still "clean" and boy i feel so tempted to reply the person: NP is very clean. all the cleaner aunties and uncles are very efficient and they help to give us a very conducive environment to study in. I mean, if you are reading a Confession page and you see so many of sex confessions, don't you even doubt the reliability of the confessions? Think about it, its all for laughs. All entries are anonymous. and people will make use of that to make a joke. Don't really have to be so serious right? even if those are true, then it is just unfair to relate it to the entire NP, because come on, there are so many students in the school. and who says that having it means its dirty? I don't agree with pre-marital sex doesn't mean that i equate it with being dirty. it is a natural course of life. Some people decides that they are more eager to try or more open to it, then so be it. it is their choice and not up to us to decide if it is right or wrong isn't it? are them being that promiscuous getting in your way? of course, tho i would say these kind of thing being posted up would more or less cause some damage to the school reputation. Saw another one who is complaining that he/she couldn't get into NP because of all these daring confessions and saying "thanks"(for nothing). Well, what can we say if you decided that all these are true and not see them as "just for laughs"? but you can actually see that it is a tad bit damaging to the image of the school. you get what i mean.
And no. im not bashing the confession page. I still read them from time to time. getting some really hilarious stories, and then some comments are equally or even more hilarious. what i actually want to write today was sort of.. idk inspired by the comments? A recent post which i happen to know one party's side of story and the other party actually posted on NP Confessions. Nothing wrong with the post, because it is their issue, not mine. All i am being is a listener. But when i read the post, it wasn't the post that made me feel disgusted (it didn't at all. cos its that party's POV and i respect that) but I just find some people who comment on the posts are just a tad bit too biased, especially since the posts are anonymous AND you prolly know neither of the parties.When you are commenting, don't you just feel a tad bit awkward? Like you only saw this side of the story, and you begin commenting like you are a pro and like you know the other side of the story too. Hello, are you a psychic or something? Or better still, do you even know who the hell this post is talking about or rather ANY of the parties and have ANY idea what is going on? if you dont, then you prolly shouldn't pass comment. why can't people think both ways? Don't "what ifs" flood your brain before even coming down to comment? okay, people love to comment. i get it. But it is disgusting that you are TELLING people WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO THINK and assuming the opposite party's intentions and reasons. Im sorry but you aint a psychic. and its disgusting. so keep your comments to yourself.
You know how people always say that there is 2 sides to a story? Its like a mirror. there is always 2 sides. but the thing here is, humans only see one side of the story and they deem that they are fit enough to comment on what is going on. I mean, i get it. you can stand true to your point saying that "oh, you shouldn't do this" "she is stupid for doing this" or whatsoever. I mean, when you are being told something, it is always normal for people to gossip and talk. but don't you feel that you need to look deeper into the issue that is being told to you? just to be fair to the people and just be more objective. No. actually bullshit. i aint that noble to be "fair" to people. I just think a lot. i like to stare into space, and think. i like to think of people's problem even if it doesn't concern me at all. and most of the time, i think of people's comments and my initial comments and i feel that we humans need to chill and think more.
i admit. I do make judgments too quickly too. and by the time i think of a second side of the story, its prolly too late. But what i mean is, every single story, there always holds 2 sides. thinking a little deeper can prolly change your stand entirely. and sometimes, thinking a little more, you might be able to understand why is that person making such an action. Nothing is just superficial in this world. If there ever is anything that is superficial, it is just the comments that are made.
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