So here's just an introduction to what my post was supposed to start off:
"i feel like a different person now though, especially after my entire month of self-pity over my results (which i had very little faith in). and notice that i made the sentence past tense. Because results are out and i thank you the bell curve, and moderation and teachers for helping me. i dont know how i did it, i dont know how they did it. but a miracle happened. in case you guys start bashing me about my results, i need to clarify that i am NOT bragging. bragging does not work this way okay. i am just writing here because i just wanted to share the fact that, well, my joy that i did well and NOT to rub it in anyone's face. i know there are friends who are concerned about me, friends who read my blogs but do not really talk to me often in person. so here i tell you, i am fine. i have learnt my lesson and i am happy to tell you, i did well. That's it. Basically, other than my family, i keep my results to only close friends. as much as i am glad that i did well, there is no need to tell people EXACTLY how well i did. Just a few close ones who share my joy will do."
This was written like days after the release of my results. which is 9 days ago. hahahaha. moving on.
So ytd, i met up with my happy pills!! Xinfang, Sinclair and Charmaine. They are always there for me, and even though we are really busy with our individual lives, we make it a point to meet every once in a while. These are the friends that i know i will keep for life, because despite not meeting up all the time, I still feel close to them. I look forward to experience all my other life moments with them in my life, and also to experience their life moments as well (: "sisters from another mother" i would call them. <3
Here's an ootd!
My dress isn't this short actually. But the photo shows that it looks like really short. and my legs looks so nice in this photo! It is the angle la, but i want to deceive myself that my regular twice a week jogging effort has paid off. hahahahaha! I would normally upload more than one ootds, because i would never (i repeat NEVER) take only 1 ootd. But this was my first shot. and since im a lazy ass to go grab my phone, which is charging, ill prolly upload them through my phone later. So if you see more photos, it means, i updated. if not, im still procrastinating and lazy as hell. HAHAHAH. I realise i really like minimalistic backgrounds. Like my corridor, empty backgrounds and all. I see all the bloggers, their ootd all also damn nice one! but idk where they go find all those. and i still need to get used to people helping me take ootds. Sometimes im afraid to let people take my ootd because i don't always take smiley ootds. I don't like leh. The one above is the most normal ones. I always take one normal in case the quirky ones turn out funny. But i prefer weird weird poses. ahahaha. So.. its kinda awkward to get someone to take it for me la. meh. so if i ask you to help me, please dont judge me :( *hint hint to my girlfriends. hahahahahahaha*
Anyway, met my girls at outram for Stranger's Reunion!

Our 6th year as being the Awesome 4 and more to come! Love you guys to the moon and back~~~ Next stop: Lola's Cafe! im so glad we stay quite near, like Char and I only live 2 blocks away, Sinclair in TPY and Xinfang in Yishun. Its quite centralised. Not like one east and one west (which is what i encounter frequently with my poly friends.) I can't wait for our Taiwan/BKK/Bali trip! no idea where we are going exactly, but SOOOOOO EGGCITED.
So now for the food. We headed to the very famous Stranger's Reunion. But i was a little disappointed because it was so noisy. I mean, i should have anticipated it la. Since it was such a famous place, there bound to be huge crowds, especially on a Sat. But yknow, i like cafes with a very peace ambiance. So ya, but it was still good to try out new things and one tick off my list of cafes that i wanna go!
It is within walking distance from Outram MRT station, and i suggest that if you have any friends who will be coming in late, that some of you go and queue for seats first. We had to wait approx 20 min for our seats, outside the store. So warm. hahaha. But then, its kinda expected la. The cafe was flooded with people. So here's what we ordered:
Sausage Lover
Sinclair's I forgot what it is called. But it is poached egg with bacon and bread. hahahaha.
Truffle Fries
Waffles with Greek Yogurt
The truffle fries is soooooooooooooo good. i love truffle fries! and it is so large a portion, you should prolly share it among 4 people. hahahaha.
Charmaine bought the bill, because she say she's working. So i don't know how they cost. and also Thank you Charmaine! It will be my turn when i get my intern pay in June okay! (:
Xinfang left fo her friend's performance, Sinclair left for home and I accompanied Char to PS. She wanted to track her phone but Samsung directed her to the police because she didn't have her IMEI number or Serial Number. SO guys, please remember to write down your IMEI number and serial number okay. Not that im cursing you that someone will steal your phone or you will drop it, but just in case yknow?
Char left for AMK to fix her S2 screen while i loitered in town for a little longer. It has been long since i spent time alone, so i decided that since im out, why not? Went window shopping a little. and i bought a leather quilted skirt which i have been looking for in AGES. Since its on sale, so again, why not? hahaha!!
Came back home and i nua until i sleep. Didn't touch my interim report. Im guilty of that. hahaha.
That's all for today! By the way, do you see the tab "Category" on top? I added two tabs, which is @looking for and @pre-loved. do check them out okay! i will be updating from time to time. Since i just cleared my wardrobe, i don't have any clothes other than my leather jacket to sell. BUT THIS IS JUST FOR NOW. if you see anything on my IG and you want to purchase, do let me know also. i might sell them. I was aggressive against people asking me to sell my clothes (especially m skirts, they are like my life) but then i only have one butt. So why would i want to keep them, and end up throwing them away? So yea. Do check them out!
xGeeCeeElle x
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