Acceptance. It's the next word I see it important and meaningful as Forgive. One word. Ten letters. Multiple meanings. But at the end of the day, acceptance is the second thing you need to do with your life to make you feel better. of course, forgive is just a one step thing. Forgive everything that hurt you. Just let them go. but Acceptance has several steps, and several targets. and all these are my own opinion. you can agree, you can disagree. I just have the feel to blog about these things instead of updating on my life, which is pretty much a mess, and in hope that blogging about these things makes me clearer on what to do next.
Acceptance. To people around you. Be it your friends. Be it your other half. Be it your family. Be it anyone you will ever meet. Accepting them, is a big step. For most, it comes naturally. But as much as acceptance comes easily, rejecting a person comes as easily as well. You can reject your friends for having a stuck up attitude. You have reject your family for not understanding your thinking. You can reject your other half out of misunderstandings and miscommunications. But at the end of the day, you would realize that these are the people you need to keep in your life. Your family may not fully understand you, but you can't leave/live without them. your friends may be a stuck up bitch or a whiny person. But who was there when everyone left? Your other half, you may dislike their attitude, their thinking. But who was the one, who started off as strangers with you, came into your life to love you? Of course, forgiveness can apply to anyone who you cross path with in your life. there can be people who you forgive but don't stay with them. But then, acceptance is different. You accept people you wanna keep. but accepting and compromising is a different thing altogether. By accepting, I mean it as accepting their flaws, accepting their differences. of course, acceptance is not the only thing to do. you don't accept someone's flaw if that's what hurt you ain't it? you need to accept it, and if it hurts you, you need to accept the FACT that this person has this flaw, and be ready to provide support him/her to change for the better. Acceptance, is the first step. If everyone accepted one another's flaws, accepted one another's differences, it would be easier to find friends and people who treat you sincerely. it's a two way traffic, you accept me for who I am, I accept you for who you are. everyone has flaws and everyone has a past. Acceptance leads to a stronger bond between people and second chance.
Acceptance to things that happen to you. Had a bad day? Got a low grade? Quarreled with that girl next door that you didn't like since the both of you were 4? At the end of the day, you can throw tantrums, you can feel upset. I'm not saying you don't have the right too. f you are my blog reader, you would know I've gone through days where I can bad academic results, done badly for my tests and etc. I do complain and throw tantrums. but at the end of it all, I accept it, and move on. Things happen all the time. If your life is smooth sailing, I swear that for the past 10 lives of you, you have done a tons of good deeds. You can complain, You can cry. But an hour, half a day, one day. Thats it. MOVE ON. Accept the fact that it happened, and you can't do anything to CHANGE the issue. all you can do is, accept the fact that it happened, do SOMETHING to stop the continuos procedures from going wrong. Like if you spill a cup of coffee on your notes. Oh dear. and there's a huge exam just next week. you will be frustrated? yes. but you will have to ACCEPT that it happened, and do something to it. Do you leave it there? no. you get a piece of tissue, clean up the mess. remove your pile of your notes ASAP. if the words are gone. nevermind. print a new set. that's it. By accepting things that happen in our life, we allow ourselves to move forward. As I said in my previous post, time is lost. it doesn't matter what happened. acceptance to things that happen to us, especially bad things. allows us to move on faster and also stop wasting that one second that you could use to do something greater than whining or complaining.
Lastly, accepting yourself. In this superficial society, everything is about looks. I admit, sometimes I judge people based on how they look. But that only applies to people who I don't know and see on the street. I'm guilty of it. and am trying to not judge. but honestly, it's hard not to judge. But anyway, I'm not any supermodel person. and I often admire other girls who are really skinny, or they have high metabolism rate, or have abs or dimples or whatsoever. While I'm here, I'm a skinny-fat girl. no dimples. have a tummy, flabby thighs, muscular calves. I judge myself sometimes and I'm still trying to force the idea of accepting myself now. But come on. why am I comparing myself with others? I don't have dimples, yea I don't look cute at all. but that's all in the genes, what can I do? I look fierce when I don't smile. I don't have a high metabolism rate but I love to eat. I don't have abs. but isn't Me still me? why am I judging myself? like what I told Rachel, anyone can judge us. but most importantly, we don't judge ourselves. We have to accept ourselves as we are. you wanna lose weight, you wanna be pretty. sure go ahead. I've never said anything about accepting who you are and not making changes and still secretly feel hatred towards yourself. You can go ahead with you own 'make over' processes WHILE accepting yourself. make yourself happier by achieving the end appearance that you want. but make yourself happier throughout the process of it too. don't hate yourself for not looking the way you want. You, don't deserve judgmental opinions from others but that you have no control. So all the more, you don't deserve judgmental opinions from yourself. you can do it, accept yourself
I may be talking all philosophical here but trust me, I'm not doing any I've said. Like what everyone said, it's easier said than done. but I'm trying already. I've attained the stage of Forgive. and now I'm gonna try to attain Acceptance. because I wanna make myself happier.
Thats it folks. -insert looney tunes tune and bugs bunny-
P/S: please don't find me a hypocrite. I'm not trying to TEACH or PREACH. I'm just trying to say what I think and what I feel like I should do with my life.
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