Coming home.

I'm giving myself a 30 min break after finalizing my work for the YEP IS module. it really isnt anywhere near good. but i can't think of any way to make it better... i just hope that its good enough! im really bad at IS modules.

anyway, a really big thank you to you all readers out there! i know that you guys linked to my blog because i shared it to my facebook. but rest assure people, im not depressed, not upset. But i won't deny the fact that im really stressed up. i never knew how many people actually cared for me, especially people other than my family. But now, i know how many people actually do. Thank you so much :') i will be updating this space very often i guess. Because writing somehow makes me feel less stressed. because at least for that 30min or so, i dont have anything to think about but to churn out everything that is on my thought for the day or at that moment. and here's my thought for ytd.

Everyone been through that storm ytd, 
remember how all of us said 
"oh no, please don't rain. I didn't bring an umbrella."
"not now! i need to get home!"
We saw how dark the sky was, 
how lightning was so frequent and 
heard how the thunder was sometimes deafening. 
I was waiting at the bus stop for 853, 
and i looked up in the dark sky, 
with several lightning flashing and lighting up the sky for a second or two
and then i just had this thought,
"What if i don't get home?"
Have anyone felt this sense of paranoia that they will not get home?
I do.
Everytime the weather turned too harsh,
i become scared.
especially when im not home, 
away from my dad, my mom, my sister, and everyone i love. 
i was alone. 
on the streets.

I boarded the bus, and looked out into the streets. 
I saw people, casually walking in the rain.
some quickened their steps to avoid getting drenched by the droplets of rain that was coming down gently.
Then i realised, the bus wasn't moving.
While my thoughts drifted away, the traffic got worse.
And i panicked even more. 
It made me so afraid that what if this was it?
A major storm that will sweep Singapore away and sink it as if it never existed? 
What if this time, it was our turn to get hit?

And then i looked at the people outside again.
It struck me, 
How much we have taken Mother Nature's gift and our strategic location for granted. 
Because, we never had to go through all of those disasters that other neighbouring countries have been going through and battling with.  
Had it been in another country, they would have already flee to take cover because they knew there was always a possibility and they couldn't take chances.

Philippines got hit by a typhoon and an estimated number of 10,000 death. 
I watched the news, as i saw the three Singaporean girls who made it safely back to Singapore, 
hugged their parents so tightly and cried from their trauma and relief that it was all over and they are back. 
And safe. 
one said that she was still worrying about how the people are doing there. 
After all, they are still there. 
and there may be another hit, for all we know.  

I related it back to me. 
While i was afraid that i will never make it back home, 
i was pretty sure i had a good chance that i will
because i know its just a normal rain in the monsoon season
but that moment of thinking it as a natural disaster
just hit me, 
and my heart started to race. 

and then i thought,
"Was this how the people felt, when they knew they were encountering a disaster so huge?"
Different people have their sides of stories. 
Maybe some were on their way home to their loved ones, 
Maybe a son just slammed the door on his mom, and was rushing home to apologize
Maybe, a newly wedded couple was waiting to have their first dinner together as husband and wife.
Just maybe, 
They never made it.
other than the number of deaths, the amount of regret, the amount of grief is far more.

I got home, i saw my mom.
I had this sudden urge to go up and hug her. 
Of course i didn't 
(she was holding the knife cos she was cooking. aint gonna take that risk)
but i was so happy to see her. 
I know its silly of me, to think the way i did. 
But for a moment, i felt so sad that the world had to deal with natural disasters. 
Because, imagine how many innocent lives are swept away, and how many grieving are left on Earth, separated forever.

Yeap. so this is my thoughts for ytd. Just a short 30min bus ride. I went to check the internet as well, and this is what i saw:

"Since Supertyphoon Haiyan hit the Philippines on Friday, a well-publicized estimate that the storm killed 10,000 people has circulated throughout several news outlets. However, President Benigno Aquino III told CNN on Tuesday that those numbers were far too high.

“So far 2,000, about 2,500, is the number we are working with as far as deaths are concerned,” he said. A total of 1,774 bodies have been counted, and 2,487 people were injured.
The monster storm left a scene of devastation in its wake. At least 800,000 people have been displaced on six Philippine islands, the U.N. said Tuesday."

as much its still devastating news, but it was much lower than the estimated 10,000. and i hope the number stop rising that much or to anywhere near the estimated number of death. and for the ones still alive, they are vulnerable and living in trauma and uncertainty. The news just said there might be a lack of resources and that there are prisoners who broke out and are killing people, whereas the residents are told to flee.

Please let Philippines pull through this, i know they can. as much as i feel so guilty that im writing this but i can't do much for them.. but  #staystrongphilippines 

And for the rest of us, fortunate Earthlings in Singapore, let us appreciate what we have in Singapore. We shouldn't be taking things for granted. Nature has been giving warning. lets not take things for granted. 

even if you think that there's no way a disaster will struck you, don't forget the fact that there is millions of reasons how life can severe the ties between you and your loved ones. lets start appreciating things more. 

"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, 
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear 
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, 
how do you measure, a year in life."


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