
hello! shall do a quick update from my phone since I'm too lazy to on my laptop and I think it's running low o battery.

anyway, today I satisfied my cravings for PANGGANG CHICKENNNNN! PEOPLE IT'S SUPER GOOD I TELL CHU!!!!! it's only second to Kaki fuyong!!!!!

so had audition for formation. my partner was nigel. he was good. he could lead me to the correct positions which really made my dancing a lot easier :) very grateful towards him. and got back rather good comments from Sean and jiarong and Eli! good posture and steps were clean and clear :) Eli said I did well and it was a pleasant to watch us dance. even of I fail, I'm happy for the type of comment Eli gave me :) I like that kind of comments!

and Eli is the sweetest senior ever!!!! she bought canale macaroons for us!!! HUHU~~~

and after that self prac. danced with Jolene and Richard. and I realized that I'm really not leading Jolene well enough such that she will make mistakes. when dancing with Richard, as much as I'm doing steps I'm not familiar with, I could still catch up. but sometimes Jolene will do wrong steps when I'm leading her. must be my leading nt good enough... shall continue to work harder! both boy and girl routines! I CAN DO THIS! HUHU~~

so yea. hope to get the email ASAP. hopefully good news too! ^^ goodnight people! I'm done with the post!!!


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